Sunday, 10 March 2013

Leaflet Distribution Pay UK

In 12 years of having hired hundreds of flyer distribution staff myself and examining how other companies operate, I have encountered wildly disparate rates of pay. Some firms pay peanuts, almost literally, whilst others do at least go above the minimum wage! Part of the problem is the perception by clients new to leaflet delivery who imagine the service is identical from every company and therefore the only criteria for deciding who to use is price. As anyone with understanding of the industry appreciates, this is lunacy! The real issue is quality and reliability, not the lowest price.

A know a competitor who pays £25/1,000! Considering it would take around 6 hours to complete 1,000 leaflets, this is not exactly a living wage, especially with recent inflation in essentials like food, gas, electricity, oil etc caused by increasing global demand for them by rising economies in China, India, Brazil and Russia and also the Bank of England "printing" billions in an attempt to kickstart the U.K. economy.   When a central bank is forced to engage in the ridiculous euphemism of "Quantative Easing", printing money, you know things are bad! Anyway, we usually pay around £45 for 2 leaflets and £50 for 3. It is difficult to motivate and retain decent staff for less and having long-term leafleters that you trust and who also trust you to pay them promptly and fairly is vital. My franchisees throughout various regions in Britain and internationally, are of course allowed to set their own rates of pay, but we all adhere to the same system of permanent staff who are treated well.

There is a stark contrast between price and quality in leaflet distribution.
Potential leafleters are welcome to contact their local branch to see if they have any job vacancies.
Please do not just ring me!



Thursday, 7 March 2013

Leaflet Distribution Kent and East Sussex

Kent and East Sussex, UK

Call Lance on 0800 699 0919 (Weekdays 8:30 to 6:00)

Based in Tonbridge, Lance has leaflet delivery staff in the Kent and East Sussex towns shown above. His team have proven themselves to be very reliable and he supervises them closely. Do not hesitate to contact him for a quote for Kent or East Sussex leaflet distribution.