Friday, 21 October 2016

Leaflet Distribution Pay Rates

What sort of pay should you expect in a leaflet distribution job?

Traditionally, the industry has not been well paid as it is relatively unskilled work. However, walking up and down hills for many hours is not a skill that everyone aspires to master!
The wage is usually per 1,000 leaflets instead of per hour. £45 per 1,000 leaflets is around the minimum wage. Some companies pay a lot less which I do not agree with. To deliver 1,000 leaflets takes around 6 hours depending on the type of housing and how fast you walk. Therefore,£45/1,000 leaflets is around £7.50/hour. You would either be gps tracked or else the company would have another form of tracking. You would be paid after the delivery is verified.

As the company boss, I started out many years ago (when I was young..!) delivering flyers door to door for hours a day. I actually enjoyed it. I like physical exercise and I remember the drive out listening to music and then walking around whole areas getting a feel for the place and looking at the houses and cars while my mind wandered. I have read you can have some inspirational ideas when you are relaxed and not doing anything much. (A car is normally not essential, but be prepared to carry the weight of the leaflets instead of leaving most of them in the car.) It is amazing how many people have broken door bells with signs on them telling you that or garden gnomes! (I actually thought of contacting a door bell repairman to charge him for every lead I could give him.)

You may need some water if you are out for hours in warm weather or sweating in hilly areas. After 3 hours or so if you do not feel right, you need to drink water asap.

Most of my leafleters have been with me for years, so I personally do not have any vacancies. I meet all of them at their house or flat. They trust me to pay them and I trust them to deliver the leaflets. A retired man may do 5,000 a month whilst a young man (eg age 40!) may do 15,000 a month. 20,000 a month is the highest amount I have ever heard of. One of my leafleters was a marathon runner! I have also had postmen supplementing their salary. A great leafleter I have was forced to have a hip operation due to obesity and was told by his doctor to lose weight or else. He lost his job and started working as a leafleter. He has lost 5 stone, is in much better shape and now seems happy when I speak to him.

As a word of warning, if there is a picture of a Rottweiler in the window, do not put your fingers through the letterbox! I saw this happen to a pretty young woman who used to go leafleting with me.

Despite all my nostalgia about the good old days of leafleting, I still do not have a ceramic gnome!

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Winner Best Leaflet Distribution Services Company UK

Our leaflet distribution firm has been selected for this in a business award.

To ask for a quote from your local branch from the 2,000 towns and villages we deliver in, do not hesitate to contact us by searching on by postcode (eg RH1) or major town.

A full list of all the places we cover is on and you can search for the name of your town by pressing "Ctrl" and "F" at the same time to open a popup box where you can type the name in.

Naturally, we guarantee all our deliveries.

In the very rare event that there has been an issue that was not resolved with your local branch after you contacted them to report it, you are welcome to contact me directly and it will sorted out as soon as possible. Peter Munro