- Ordering leafleters to deliver to houses that have "No junk mail" signs! This is not only a complete waste of time, but deeply unpopular with leafleters who can suffer verbal abuse, such as "Can't you read?". The clients whose leaflets were pushed through are also likely to receive angry phone calls!
- Stating that the leafleters having video cameras attached to them to record the delivery is a guarantee. On closer inspection of the guarantee, an example is given that if 10,000 leaflets were supposed to go out and the client watches the video and only 9,500 went out, the 500 will be refunded. There is just 1 problem with this and it is a huge one, certainly in terms of time. It would be around 60 hours of video! No one will ever watch it which I would imagine is precisely why that guarantee was created!
- Boasting that leafleters have gps devices on them, but not realising that some of them can just literally walk the route without delivering anything! A quick look at the gps records shows that they went along all the streets, so everything must be fine...!
Here at www.leaflets.tv , we definitely do not engage in any underhand activity and when we say the delivery is guaranteed to be carried out properly, we mean it! With daily experience dating back to 2004, we are aware of what to do and also what not to do. Very few UK leaflet distribution companies have lasted 12 years.
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