Saturday, 31 August 2013

Leaflet distribution is a great business

Today, I collected £1,600 payment up front from a regular client. Not a bad start to the day!

I am fairly regularly approached by people who are interested in starting a leaflet delivery business in the UK. They wonder if they can start a flyer distribution service by itself and make it work as a viable business. My reply is always the same. Leafleting by itself is just not worth it. Many years ago, I seriously looked into setting up a leaflet distribution franchise, but it is just not profitable enough as a free-standing enterprise by itself. When I say this, I can sense the disappointment on the other end of the phone. However, as Donald Trump says, "some of the best investments are those you do not make." With a 5 minute conversation, I have just saved someone from 2 years of heading in the wrong direction before he will finally throw in the towel in frustration.

I then explain that leafleting is a really good business when used in conjunction with another more profitable business. This is an absolutely vital distinction to understand. If you have another firm that provides a solid, reliable monthly income, such as house cleaning, you can acquire most of your cleaning clients from leaflets which are paid for by your leaflet delivery business, as many, many businesses such as estate agents are heavy users of flyers and they certainly do not wish to deliver them themselves, sweating on the streets in their smart suits!

Over the years, I have encountered several other businesses, such as carpet cleaning, that have also done this. They are among the best, most reliable leaflet distribution companies in the UK, as they have a vested interest in the drop being done 100% right with their own leaflets also going out with the client's leaflet.

Typical leafleting companies are truly awful! We always deliver our cleaning leaflet with each client leaflet, so we have to make the drop work. We also receive numerous calls from cleaning clients and ladies looking for cleaning jobs, so we can track the delivery. 5,000 leaflets not eliciting many calls would immediately trigger an investigation, banging on doors in the streets and asking people if they had the leaflet, but this is really very rare with our system. I have not had a problem for 3 years, but this is because I know how to approach it properly.

I can show franchisees how to do this. Contact me for an information pack. Peter - or 07986 600316 (Leave a message and I will call you back asap.)

For clients, look at for your local UK office.

For Ireland, see

I hope this has been useful and saved some business opportunity seekers from going down the wrong route, as even with all the best intentions and enthusiasm, you need to pick the right business and you need advice for that.

I am not expecting you to take my word for it, as obviously I have a vested interest in you signing up with our franchise, but you can speak to a number of our successful franchisees in confidence to ask them any questions you like before deciding if this is right for you personally.

Our UK cleaning website is

For Ireland, it is

For Russia, it is still confidential until we purchase the domain!

There is a money back guarantee. Ask other franchises if they will give you your money back if it does not work out and see what they say!!

Earning £2,000 to £3,000 a month from leaflet distribution is entirely realistic. I can show you the bank statements if you meet me near Gatwick Airport!




  1. Awesome post! about the great business of leaflet distribution and flyer distribution.Of course, leafleting is a really good business when used in conjunction with another more profitable business.Thanks for sharing with us

  2. Something else to watch out for.

    You need all the luck you can get when you're on the move.

    team of cleaners

  3. Thank You for sharing such an Amazing Article; I would Love to share in Deep cleaning Services in hyderabad GrouP
